Friday, May 09, 2008

Fracking Camera

Gahh...I need a new camera. I finished a couple of new paintings, and I wanted to take some pictures of them, plus make new pictures of the other two that didn't turn out so well, plus take a picture of an old drawing that I like, but guess has decided to be retarded. Actually it's just the xD card that's being retarded...well, actually, the whole camera is being retarded. Nevermind. I guess I know what the next expensive item on my long list of things I need is going to be. Argh. Freaking xD cards and auto focus crap! and other such complaints of a nonessential nature...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Logo Project

A friend/coworker asked me to draw a cartoonish logo for his auto detail business. (For those of you who don't know, auto detailing is basically a more extensive version of a car wash, usually including the interior of the car, as well as chemical treatment for leather upholstery and wax/weather treatment for the exterior.) He suggested a cartoon car. So I drew one, and then I added a little border. Check it out.